
Showing posts from January, 2021

I appreciate my reader's book reviews

  5.0 out of 5 stars   Adorable Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2020 Verified Purchase Such an important book. Both adorable and fun to read with a really good lesson built in. Would recommend for anyone who has kids in school or starting school. I appreciate my readers' reviews on amazon for my book!  Thank you to all the parents who have read this book to their littles.  Thank you for sharing the conversations the story has sparked for you and your child.  What a loving way to help them develop their voices.  Empower them with the understanding of what "bully" means, before they become a target! To order my book, go to  I would love to hear from you after you have read it with you child.


  Réal Laplaine 5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful truth - inspiring! Reviewed in the United States on January 17, 2021 Verified Purchase Millie Mae Speaks Up To a Bully Today, by Roxann Biesack, is a short children's story about Millie Mae, who is the victim of a school bully, who is very upset and confused about what do about this situation. She confides to her secret friend, Squeaky, a frog, who listens and then coaches her on how to deal with the matter. Simple as this story may seem, it carries a powerful message, showing that bullies, at whatever age, not just childhood bullies, can be exposed by throwing the spotlight on them and showing them for what they are. Moreover, that bullies are the product of their own environment and familial scene - showing us that compassion and understanding for their situation is part of the formula for resolving the matter. It's a cool story, and even as an adult, it resonated with me because of my own past. I would recommend this book to anyone...

It really does take a village to raise our little lovelies

 Even the most well intentioned parents can and will miss things going on with their children.  Jobs, stress, and life just gets in the way.  Remember that long day when bedtime couldn't come soon enough?  You're finally in bed, your first alone time since before the sun came up.  But, instead of drifting off to sleep, a thought that you had put on hold earlier, emerges.  Your six year old, normally high spirited daughter, seemed quiet and consumed that evening.  Your mind starts to race as you recall the troubled look on her face.  Guilt sets in when you recall she was trying to tell you something and you absently nodded and went about your busy business.  Too late...the kids are finally sleeping but now of're not!   Take comfort in the fact that we have all been there.  My kids are well into adulthood yet I still have memories of not having the time or energy to be the perfect parent. (tongue in cheek).  It ...